There’s a fact that looms large in healthcare. An inconvenient truth we have ignored - the less bullying, harassment, racism and discrimination in our workplaces, the better the culture AND the better the health outcomes for staff and patients.

The why What the Medical Training Survey Found

More than half of doctors in training responded to the 2024 Medical Training Survey, with 24,812 responses collected.

32% of trainees experienced or witnessed bullying, harassment, discrimination or racism
74% of those who experienced or witnessed BHDR did not report the incidents
38% of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders trainees experienced or witnessed racism in the workplace; compared to 17% of other trainees
19% of respondents said they were considering a future outside of medicine

The what A symbol of change

  • about individual “Resilience” and “Wellbeing”
  • like a Doctors Health Program (but if successful will have profound effects on health, resilience and wellbeing)
  • focus on individuals behaviour
  • focus on occupational health and safety, especially psychological safety
  • emphasis on drivers, enablers and perpetuators of adverse workplace culture
  • attention brought to organisational responsibilities and hard levers
  • collaboration with non-health partners e.g. Race Discrimination Commissioner, SafeWork Australia, Respect@Work

The what Our Values

Inclusive: We welcome all healthcare workers.
Collective: Multidisciplinary input is required, always.
Positive: We believe change will happen.
Respectful: Only equals can share respect. We are all equals.

The how Engagement Structure

The project is governed by two main bodies; the RACMA board that is responsible for corporate governance and the Advisory Board responsible for content governance. The Advisory Board comprises representation from Colleges, peak health bodies, and subject matter experts in workplace culture, discrimination and harassment. The project also has 12 reference groups and 5 working groups. The reference groups act as vital consultation bodies, offering grassroots-level information to support the working groups and project team. Currently we have 12 reference groups with 151 members across all. The Working Groups supports the Advisory Board via the provision of content expertise and implementation support across the system

The next steps A clear pathway forward

Phase One of our project successfully concluded in early 2024, and we are excited to be wrapping up Phase Two. After consultation with key organisations and grassroots stakeholders, the Advisory Board endorsed the work program. This is centred around our overarching national strategic approach for change, involveing three thematic focus areas:

  1. Setting expectations for workplace behaviour
  2. Career-long learning and development
  3. Measurement and action

The reference groups were a critical part of development of the work plan and were called upon for their insights throughout 2024. There are also 5 working groups who, with the assistance of the reference groups, are producing reports to  be shared with key stakeholders at the end of 2024 - early 2025, before they are formally launched to the public.